Thursday, March 24, 2011

Max's First Birthday Party

Max's First Birthday Party didn't quite go as planned this year. The kids and I all got sick a couple days before the party, so after much discussion, I canceled the party. However, since we had all the stuff, we set it up and had a family party instead.

Here are the favors... gold paper crowns, swedish fish, magnets of Max, and there were also little sailboats for the kids.

Max enjoying the sun on my parent's lanai.
Max hitting Dave in the head. I'm sure Dave deserved it.
Our happy family!
The cupcakes my fabulous sister made.
Max in his birthday crown.
Sophie torturing Max. She wasn't pulling his hair, she was just lightly running her fingers through it, and you'd have thought she was stabbing him. He was totally freaking out.
Max and his crown cake. Also courtesy of my sister.
Turns out he's not a fan of cake. Must take after his dad, because everyone knows how much I love cake.
I can't believe Max is already one. He is talking, he says book, ball, Mama, outside. He walks everywhere. He's such a fun and happy boy.

1 comment:

  1. I want a Max Magnet for my fridge! Add a Sophie magnet in the bunch as well please! :-) Miss you guys! I can't believe how fast he's growing. The girls aren't saying anything yet....they're getting services though, so we'll get it soon enough. Love you and miss you guys!
