Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Great Sprinkler Project

 So several months ago (in the hot summer months to be more exact) Dave and I decided we needed a sprinkler system.  After getting several estimates we decided it was too expensive, so Dave had the idea that he would do it himself.  Now I'd like to preface this with his thought processes.  A) We were saving a LOT of money and B) he'd installed sprinkler systems before, so he already knew how to do it. 

So we rented a trencher, got a shovel and got to work, and it was work, hard work.  The kids and I helped but it was mostly Dave working from sun-up till sundown in the yard.  He did a great job and after we decided to hire someone to come in and finish the wiring and make the yard look a little more presentable we have a functioning sprinkler system.  
I'm so proud of Dave and all his hard work.  Here's some photos of the process.

This photo was taken to show the true gorgeousness of Dave's mustache.
Dave hard at work digging trenches by hand.  We had to dig by hand all around where the utilities are located.

Dave and Sophie

Don't look behind you.


This is how Max helped, by laying on top of our backs while we dug trenches.

Here's the front yard with the trenches dug.

I'll be sure to add updated photos after the grass grows back in.