Friday, December 30, 2011

Pre Christmas Festivites

Wow... that was quite a holiday.  Sorry I'm so behind on updates of the kids.  I have to admit I had a hard time getting into the holiday spirit this year.  I don't think Sophie and Max noticed and we had some fun despite my yucky mood.  We were invited to several Christmas parties this year (we're so popular), and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit.  We did pick up a stomach bug at one of the parties, but we're all recovered and I've decided kids are little germ machines anyways.  Sophie is a little social butterfly and is always so excited to go and see new people.  The exact opposite of me.  She must get it from Dave.  Max starts out shy, but it doesn't take him long to warm up to people.  They both have been great lately.
Sophie and Max ready for church

We had a real Christmas tree again this year.  I swear our tree gets bigger every year.  We're going to need taller ceilings next year.

Getting ready to go to party number 1.  Max had to be woken up from a nap and as you can see he was less than pleased.

He's feeling a little better now.

And he's back.  Sophie was cooperative the entire photo taking session, she just wanted to leave and see her friends.

After about a pound of cookies he was in great spirits.

Party number 2

Opening a present from the neighbor.

One of the parties we got to meet Santa.  Both kids were so excited and Santa was SO NICE. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gingerbread House 2011

Here the kids are ready to decorate.
The kids and I decorated a gingerbread house a week ago.  Normally Sophie decorates a house with my Dad, but since he's in Hawaii, it was Max, Sophie and I.  Really it was me decorating and Max and Sophie eating as much candy as they could stuff in their faces.  Luckily I fed them dinner before we started on our house.  I bought the house assembled from a local catering company, so it came with candy and frosting all ready to go.  That made things easier on me.

Max is intent on putting his candy on the house.

Sophie helping with the piping.

Max eating some of the candy.

Our house is complete.

Max enjoying his gingerbread man

Sophie enjoying her gingerbread girl.  We put an icing skirt on her.

Here's the kids and I today (Dec 11) before we headed to church.

Here we are before a Christmas party.  Max had just woken up so he was less than enthused about getting his photo taken.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sophie's Fourth Birthday: Pirate Party

Dessert Table


Treasure Chest

Pirate Flag

Blowing out her candles

She loves her Daddy

Sophie Turns Four

Sophie's loot

tearing into her new game.  Thanks Grammy & Grandad!

A dress with horses on it.  Cool.

From Dave, Max, and I.

Happy Birthday!

We love you!

Yum, Crunch cupcakes!

Thanksgiving 2011

The turkey in the brine.

Sophie and Dave enjoying some pre dinner coloring

Turkey's ready!


Dave and Sophie

Max, me, and sophie

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

I'm a little late in posting about the our Pumpkin Patch visit this year.  We had a great time.  They had horses, which put Sophie on cloud nine, because she is horse crazy.  They had a corn maze that we did not partake in because my sense of direction is abysmal at best.  We bought two overpriced pumpkins and the kids climbed a tower of hay bales.  It was a great day.
Dave, Max (19 months) and Sophie (3 yrs) on a wagon ride.  Pulled by two horses named Poncho and Lefty.  Dave was very amused by that.

I'm not sure why he always looks so angry, but he was really enjoying himself.

I think they would have been happy if I let them take all the pumpkins home.

This is not the pumpkin she ended up bringing home.  She must have chosen about 7 pumpkins before she chose one because she thought the green was pretty.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was supposed to be completely orange.

Hay Bale Champion

Hay Bale Runner Up