Friday, May 25, 2012

A Sunny Day in May

Shocking to have such a warm and sunny day in May, but several weeks ago the PacNorWest was almost balmy.  The kids promptly went outside and played in the sprinklers.  They are braver than I am...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Absent for no reason at all...

I know, I know... I'm a terrible blogger.  It's laziness pure and simple. I've said it a million times before, but I'm bone deep lazy.  I'll happily spend my time on Pinterest instead of doing something productive. 

Except I have been productive, once again the Navy will be moving us in less than six months and no, we don't know where we're going yet, so I've been purging.  It's one good thing about moving every 18 to 20 months I just keep getting rid of things I don't need.  I cleaned out our master bathroom, it was full of stuff we didn't need and didn't use.  I've gone through the kids toys twice and I'm working my way through closets.  I'm taking it one day at a time, but I'm tired of cleaning.

The kids and I did take a break to visit the tulip fields outside of Seattle.  Here's a couple photos for your viewing pleasure.

Doesn't Max look overjoyed to be surrounded by flowers. 

He was much happier when he was pulling the petals off the stems.

My little ham!