Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Diamond Head Hike - January 2011

I'm going with the assumption that anyone who reads this blog knows me fairly well. So it will come as no surprise that I balked at hiking Diamond Head. I don't like exercise, sweat, or anything that involves me getting out of my pajamas and into tennis shoes. However my loving husband was SUPER excited about hiking Diamond Head. It was also brought to my attention that Dave's Grammy hiked Diamond Head the year Dave and I were married. So I reluctantly agreed to go with Dave and the kids on this difficult and demanding hike (only difficult and demanding because of the amount of Christmas cookies I ate in December).

This is about half-way up... I was DYING!

It's all worth it for the fabulous views. Sidenote: The nice guy taking our photo apparently didn't realize I had a 23 pound baby strapped to the front of me and took several photos where Max cannot be seen. I mean really?
This is Waikiki. Dave and I got engaged on that beach down there.

Hiking down the mountain was in fact just as bad as hiking up.

1. It was a fun hike
2. Now I can say I hiked Diamond Head
3. I never have to do it again.

1 comment:

  1. LOL....LOL...I love you. Glad you had a SUPER craptastic time ;-) Phone date soon is a must!
