Thursday, August 5, 2010

Behind the Lens: Self Portrait # 1

So there's a blog I read. She (the blogger) is taking self portraits of herself for a year. I was/am awed by her bravery. You can check out her blog if you're interested ( The Southern Institute). I am so uncomfortable taking pictures of myself or asking others to take photos of me. I think the last photo I have of myself that I really liked was taken on my wedding day. I was skinny and tanned and happy. Now I'm chunky, pasty, and happy (usually). I also thought of how I was teasing Dave the other day that when the kids look back on photos of us, they are going to think I ceased to exist after 2007. I guess that's when I had something more interesting to take photos of... but won't Sophie want to see photos of me when I was still young, or youngish. So I'm going to give it a shot. It could be great or I could fizzle out after a month. We'll see. Here goes number 1. Numero uno (look at me speaking Spanish, or something).

Notice Sophie in the corner, she helped me press the timer on my camera and insisted on getting in on the action. Yes, I did my hair and make up before I took this. I figured if the first self portrait looked good I would have more incentive to keep it up.

Behind the Lens button


  1. Hi Jen, I love it!! Thanks for participating... I think you'll be glad you did. "Talk" to you later!

  2. I think you are beautiful. I love the idea. Sophia and Max will will love this, too.
