Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Update on Max - 18 Months Old

We've been busy lately with getting Sophie ready for school, having some landscaping (drainage) done, and various other things.  Our backyard has some drainage issues during the rainy season which for anyone who has lived in the Pacific Northwest knows that the rainy season lasts most of the year.  However we don't get much rain in the summer and we had the yard leveled and they put in new sod, which makes the rest of our dead grass look horrible. I'd say it's an epic fail, although it better help the drainage or I'm going to have a serious hissy fit.

I can't believe Max is already 18 moths old.  It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and welcomed him into our crazy family.  He's changed so much, he's walking, climbing, talking a little bit (although probably not as much as he should be) and he just started running.  The running is hysterical, he looks like he's going to fall on his face and then he fall on his face because he hasn't mastered it yet.

Max started this fun new thing where he glares at me periodically throughout the day.  Whenever I tell him no or don't give him milk fast enough he lowers his brows and scowls.  It's cute on an 18 month old, but not so much a 15 year old, so that will be fun in about 13 years.
 This is his other expression, the one he normally wears.  He is one happy little boy most of the time and he has the sweetest smile.  He's starting to be a little shy around new people.  He's also a great little snuggler and loves to cuddle with me before his nap.
 I'm saving this photo for when he brings his first girlfriend home.  He's looks great in pink.

1 comment:

  1. loving the new blog design. keep the posts coming! I love reading about you guys and all the kids' antics.
    xoxo, Aimée
