Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sophie's Third Birthday Party

We held Sophie's third birthday party a couple days ago. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. The house is finally clean again... just in time for Thanksgiving. We had so much fun at the party. So many of Sophie's friends were able to come and enjoy the day with us. We didn't have any party games, but we set up play tents in the backyard and had lots of paper and crayons for the kids to play with. We had a garden party theme this year, so lots of butterflies, caterpillars, and flowers throughout the house.
Sophie requested pink cake, but she had to make do with pink cupcakes and Chocolate Crunch Cake. Crunch Cake is the traditional Edgerton family birthday cake and it's so yummy. I was tempted to color the icing on the cake pink, but I got busy and it just didn't happen.

Here's Sophie in her birthday finery. I bought the pink pettiskirt for her when she was about seven months old and since it has a super adjustable waist it still fits.

You can see Max's new teeth in this photo. He was a great little guy during the party and loved all the attention he got from the ladies.

Sophie's birthday tutu didn't make it through the entire party, I was super glad I put leggings on her when she took her skirt off in the kitchen in the middle of the party.

She couldn't quite blow out her candles by herself so Dave and I helped.

Sophie received so many wonderful gifts. She is now enjoying serving tea on her new tea set to all her new dolls. She also got several new books. It's always nice to change out her bedtime story for something new.

Here are the favor bags I slaved over... kidding it really didn't take that long to cut out the green bags so they looked like grass. I got the idea from Martha Stewart courtesy of my friend Sherry.

In the favor bags was a flower hair clip for the little girls and a tic tac toe bag with felt X's and O'x along with a little wind up caterpillar.
Sophie had so much fun at her birthday party. We're also having a mini celebration on her actual birthday with more cake and more presents from her grandparents and us. I guess I better go through her toys and get rid of some of the things she doesn't play with anymore or all her toys are going to take over the house.

I'll leave you with an image of Dave after two and half hours of a three year old's birthday party...


  1. the last photo! You're a rockstar Mama! SO glad I FINALLY made it to one of her parties! I'm such a loser....LOL. Love and miss you all already!

  2. Aw, I'm sorry I missed the fun! Looks like you held and an awesome and successful party (of course)! Fun for all ages!

    I can't tell you how much I miss Sophie and Max!! Last pic is a good laugh since I haven't seen Dave's all too familiar face-plant nap in a while! Hey, it could be worse - at least he doesn't snore like Dad (thank God!)! ;^D

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