Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Thanksgiving 2010 Taught Me...

1. Brining a turkey isn't difficult. It is however time and labor intensive. And you will need math skills. If you don't have math skills, you will need to borrow someone else's. However if you do need to borrow someone else's math skills there will probably be some mocking involved from the borrowee. ( I totally made that word up).

2. When you make your list for the grocery store, please take into account you are shopping with small children right before Thanksgiving. Bring snacks for the kids, and alcohol for you. Really, you'll thank me later.

3. Just because you spent a fair amount of money on coordinating outfits for your family to wear for the traditional Thanksgiving photo does not mean your three year old will consent to wear said outfit. In fact she will probably throw a major tantrum and insist on wearing her ratty old sweatpants and won't allow you to brush her hair either. This will be your punishment for refusing to change shoes for church as a child. Take it like a man.

4. If you are nursing your infant, you WILL NOT get to eat your dinner hot and while everyone else is eating their dinner. You should be used to this by now, if you aren't, well I don't know what to tell you.

5. If you are very lucky, your family will sit at the table and watch you while you eat (since you couldn't eat while they were eating due to number 4). Making you mildly uncomfortable, but also eternally grateful.

6. If you are making a traditional dish from your spouse's family and you substitute an integral ingredient... your spouse will notice... and remark on this substitution. You will not be able to explain your reasoning.

7. It's okay to ask for help if you have no idea what you are doing. It's like asking for directions, no one wants to end up in a different state because you won't pull over to ask for help.

8. I learned this last year but it bears repeating. Turkey's have TWO cavities that have stuff in them that should not be brined or roasted. Please for the love of all that's holy check to make sure you are not roasting a plastic bag of turkey stuff. I'm not really sure what's in that plastic bag and I've always been too afraid to open it and find out.

9. If you are cooking and are already wearing your pretty clothes... wear an apron. It's seems obvious, but I thought I should mention it anyways.

10. Be thankful Thanksgiving is only once a year.

The turkey hanging out in the brine. We filled juice jugs with water and froze them to keep the temperature low enough not to give us all food poisoning.

Here I am removing the turkey from the brine. We rinsed it really well after this and smeared it with olive oil.

Dave making the rub.

Sophie picking fresh basil for the rub.

Me calling Dave's Mom and Dad for turkey brining advice.

The kids watching while Dave and I prepped the turkey to roast it.

Sophie wanted a closer look at the turkey. I'm not sure why I had peanut butter on the counter. Can you imagine peanut butter turkey? Yum?


Almost ready to eat

Our spread

Our traditional Thanksgiving pose.

Dave carving the turkey. Yum!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this! I've never even done Thanksgiving dinner, but it made me laugh out loud. I can always count on your posts to make me chuckle. :)
