Tuesday, November 9, 2010

From Sitting to Standing

Max hit the eight month mark a couple days ago and promptly pulled himself to stand in his crib. He had pulled himself up one time prior on a toy designed to encourage standing, but I was quite impressed when I found him standing up in his crib instead of napping. He can also scoot along on his tummy anywhere he wishes to go and he moves fast! I am vacillating between pride that he's growing and doing all this fun stuff and horror that he can get into anything he wants to. It illustrates that our house is NOT baby proof. You might have noticed a little bruise on his head in the second photo, that would be his first injury, he got that when he headbutted my dresser. He's a tough little guy though and barely cried.

He also has two teeth now. Other than some teething issues he is still a pretty happy little boy. Max loves that he can now eat real food and munches away on Gerber Puffs and Mum Mum rice crackers throughout the day.


  1. You need to move to Japan and start him in Sumo training... :)
