1. She LOVES princesses. She calls me Princess Mommy and herself Princess Sophie. Also, to her, pink means good, pretty, all is right in the world. As in "Mommy, my teeth are pink" (after she's brushed them). She does have a tough tomboy side however. She loves to make mudpies and roll around and get dirty.
2. She wants to play at the park every day with her friends. Rain or shine. She can't wait to have playdates. Although she is still mastering the art of sharing.
3. This kid loves her some t.v., movies, that gray snow that's on the t.v. every once in a while. It's all good to her.
4. She loves Max, but does not want him touching her stuff. Or his stuff for that matter. As long as he's sitting quietly staring at her, she's happy. Otherwise she's calling him a bad baby.
5. She really, really likes sandwiches. She eats other food, but she is pretty happy with a sandwich and some water. She keeps asking me for a zebra sandwich. I'm pretty sure she means a sandwich in the shape of a zebra, but just in case I'm wrong I'm not questioning her too closely.
6. She's got the potty training down pat. I'm super impressed with her, and happy that I didn't really have to do anything but stock a prize box for bribing purposes.
7. She loves to read to herself or have someone read to her. During time out I find her sitting on the floor in her room reading.
8. She is the most stubborn person I have ever met. She gets that from Dave. She can also hold a grudge (she also gets that from Dave), she is still talking about the time I spanked her and it's been almost three weeks.
9. She tells me she loves me and she also tells me I love her. She tells me, "Mama, you miss me", even when I haven't gone anywhere.
10. She is fascinating and changes everyday. I can't wait for tomorrow (although I'm seriously apprehensive about 10 years from now).
11. She adores Dave. I mean full out ADORE, she thinks he hung the moon and can't get enough of her Daddy.
12. She has such a wonderful imagination, it is so wonderful to see her pretending to be a princess, monster, puppy dog.
Sophie on her second birthday. I can't believe how much she has changed.