Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Routine

We're slowly getting into the swing of things at our new home. Finding a new routine, new friends, and new activities has been a rough transition for Sophie and for me. We did take a quick break to hop on down to California to visit Dave's parents and check out Sea World. I'd like to draw everyone's attention to Dave's mustache. He's been telling me he loves it and is planning on keeping it. I told him he could plan on sleeping on the couch if that's his final decision.

Sophie kept trying to pull the starfish out of the water for a closer look. She didn't get the whole breathe underwater concept.
Max loves to play outside. He actually tells me "outside" when he's ready to go. We try to walk to the mailbox when the weather's nice.
Seriously the mustache is killing me.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up Jen!! Great to see the family update. Max has turned into a little man since you guys left :)
