Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas in Bahrain... 2012 Edition

Merry Christmas!  Well, it's been quite the month for us... after enjoying a month long stay in a local hotel, I received the best Christmas gift ever, we moved into our new villa Christmas Eve and I got our car out of the Vehicle Processing Center. Dave had a trip on Christmas day, so we decided to open most of our gift Christmas Eve.  However after taking most of the day off to move all our stuff from the hotel to the new house, he had to go into work, so we didn't start opening gifts until about 10pm.  We had a great time with our new gifts.

Our loot for this year and my tiny, itty, bitty, baby tree.

Dave got some new double old fashioned glasses in our crystal pattern from Max and Sophie. 

My first local gift, a lovely wood and brass box.

Sophie wearing one of the gift bows and opening a puzzle from Grammy and Grandad.

My Christmas tree for 2012 from Grammy!

We woke up early on Christmas morning to open our gifts from Santa before Dave left on his trip.  He accompanied the Admiral on a visit of four ships.  The kids were a little tired from staying up late, but were very excited to be opening more presents.  
Christmas morning and Santa gifts and stockings.

Cutest kids ever!

Sophie got Princess Celestia My Little Pony and Max got a plastic submarine.

 I am running more than a little late with Christmas cards this year, so expect a New Year Card with our new contact info.  I hope your Christmas was merry and bright!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Santa Rides A Camel!?!

The local base hosted a Holiday event tonight!  It was craziness.  There were so many people, but it was a lot of fun.  We saw the flyer for the event several weeks ago and all Sophie could talk about was getting to see Santa and a CAMEL!!!! I'm not really sure which one she was more excited about.  I know I was more excited about the camel... I can see a fat guy in a suit any time I go to the mall, but a real live camel!

Unfortunately, Dave had to work, although he managed to drop in for a minute to say hi, which is why you don't see any photos of him.  This was a great event put on by the base MWR!

Sophie was incredibly disappointed the camel didn't get up and walk while she was riding it.  I was less disappointed.

It didn't spit at me or smell bad...

I'm not sure about the expression on Sophie's face... she was super excited.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sophie's Birthday in Bahrain

Sorry for the big gaps in posting.  The kids, Dave, and I made it safely to Bahrain and are settled into a hotel while we house hunt.  Our first day of house hunting consisted of a whirlwind of 10 villas in 3 1/2 hours.  It was painful dragging the kids to so many places, and the houses all started blending after about the first hour.  We're going out hunting again this week and I hope we find something soon because living in a hotel with 2 kids and dog and Dave is not the most fun I've ever had.  Okay, I'm done whining... for now.

Now on to the real post.  Sophie celebrated her fifth birthday this week.  I can't believe I have a five year old now.  Sophie has been talking about how she's going to be five and she'll be really big (tall).  I think she was a little disappointed when she woke up and wasn't noticeably taller.  She should wait until she wakes up on her birthday and notices gray hair and wrinkles.  Then she'll know disappointment.

Anyways, she was very excited to celebrate her fifth birthday.

 Dave and I chose a doctor outfit and kit for her birthday.  Sophie told me she plans to be a princess vet when she grows up.  I think all vets should wear tiaras, it would probably improve their day.

I kind of mommy failed and was unable to find (or bake) a real cake.  I did drive for the first time in Bahrain in my attempt to find a real birthday cake.  However it's the middle of a religious festival and apparently the bakery was closed.  Driving here will warrant its own post, I'm sure.  However I keep reminding myself I drove in LA and lived to tell the tale...

So she had a doughnut cake (they have Krispy Kreme in Bahrain, who knew?) although honestly she was really excited to have pizza and doughnuts for her birthday.

Our ghetto doughnut birthday cake. 

 Happy Birthday Sophie!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween! 

Max, Sophie, and I are visiting Dave's parents in Houston right now and had the pleasure of trick or treating in their neighborhood.

Sophie requested dressing up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Max was a dinosaur.  We had a lot of fun driving around the neighborhood and trick or treating.  I want to point out that Missy (Dave's mom) and I sewed Sophie's costume!  We think it turned out fantastic.  
Sophie as Belle from Beauty and the Beast

Belle and the Dragon!

First Halloween candy of the evening from Grammy

All ready to go

After trick or treating, sharing candy with Grandad


Poor guy was pretty sweaty after walking around

The Halloween Fairy brought Peapod for Max

Here's Bambi for Sophie

After eating lots of candy tonight, the Halloween fairy came by and traded the kids candy for some new toys!  That just means less candy for me to eat!

Hope you all had a great evening!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Sunny Day in May

Shocking to have such a warm and sunny day in May, but several weeks ago the PacNorWest was almost balmy.  The kids promptly went outside and played in the sprinklers.  They are braver than I am...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Absent for no reason at all...

I know, I know... I'm a terrible blogger.  It's laziness pure and simple. I've said it a million times before, but I'm bone deep lazy.  I'll happily spend my time on Pinterest instead of doing something productive. 

Except I have been productive, once again the Navy will be moving us in less than six months and no, we don't know where we're going yet, so I've been purging.  It's one good thing about moving every 18 to 20 months I just keep getting rid of things I don't need.  I cleaned out our master bathroom, it was full of stuff we didn't need and didn't use.  I've gone through the kids toys twice and I'm working my way through closets.  I'm taking it one day at a time, but I'm tired of cleaning.

The kids and I did take a break to visit the tulip fields outside of Seattle.  Here's a couple photos for your viewing pleasure.

Doesn't Max look overjoyed to be surrounded by flowers. 

He was much happier when he was pulling the petals off the stems.

My little ham!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Home Again!

I know I haven't been posting lately.  Super busy as usual.  I'm only happy if I'm being pulled in 15 directions.  Evidenced by signing Max up for gymnastics and joining a local mom's club for MORE playdates.  It's only a matter of time before I'm a soccer mom with a mini van, and I'm loving every minute. 

Here's our big news;  Daddy's home!  The kids are so excited and so am I.  It's nice to be able to tell Sophie, "Go talk to your Daddy."  That girl could talk to a brick wall.  Hope your day is as happy as ours will be.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Day take 2

 We've had plenty of snow over the past couple days.  Especially for this Hawaii girl.  Sophie likes the snow, but I didn't plan ahead and get the proper snow gear for the kids, so they can last about ten minutes before they are too cold and need to come inside for some hot chocolate.  Max doesn't like to touch the snow, but he's fine as long as he can stay upright.  Sophie wanted to make a snowman, but her hands were just too cold.  Oh well, maybe next year.

Sophie first snow angel.  She did it all by herself.

Sophie posing for photos.  She's such a ham

So serious.
She loves the snow.

Max wasn't as excited.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Snow 2012

The kids were snow (ha ha) excited today to see snow for the first time.  Well, actually it snowed on the day Sophie was born, but she doesn't really remember that.  Max kept running to the window shouting, "Snow, snow".  The kids loved playing outside, and thankfully the snow didn't stick.
Sophie checking the snow out on her glove

She wasn't too impressed with how snow tasted.

Max loved the snow

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Day

Our coffee table in better days (Jan 1st to be specific) and the culprit ON the coffee table (which is not allowed)
I had a day today and it was not a very good one.  I think that we all go through days where nothing in particular goes our way and it seems like life's little annoyances just start stacking up, one on top of the other.  That was this day for me.  It culminated in Sophie cracking the glass top to our coffee table and was I ever mad.  I put both the kids to bed early and cleaned up the mess.  Then I went upstairs and rocked Max to sleep because was he ever mad.  As I was rocking him I realized that as difficult as today was... it was actually pretty great.  Sophie could have really hurt herself.  She could have fallen through the glass and I could be sitting in the ER right now or worse.  So I gave her an extra big hug and told her how much I loved her (all seven times that she woke up tonight).  Somedays aren't as bad as they seem. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seattle Trip 2011

My parents and I jumped on the ferry with the kids while they were visiting to hang out at Pike's Place and visit my Great-Aunt and Uncle that live on that side of the water.  Max LOVED the ferry.  He kept saying, "boat, water".  Sophie kept asking if there were alligators in the water.  Thank you Dave for that little phobia.  We had a lot of fun and I can't wait to go back with Dave.  In fact I'm thinking about planning a trip without the kids.  Now that would be fun!
View of Seattle skyline from ferry

The famous Pike Place pig.  Max fell asleep about 2 minutes after this photo

Dennis, Max, Sophie, and Mickey

Me, the kids, and my mom

My dad, the kids and I

Group Shot