Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sophie's Fourth Birthday: Pirate Party

Dessert Table


Treasure Chest

Pirate Flag

Blowing out her candles

She loves her Daddy

Sophie Turns Four

Sophie's loot

tearing into her new game.  Thanks Grammy & Grandad!

A dress with horses on it.  Cool.

From Dave, Max, and I.

Happy Birthday!

We love you!

Yum, Crunch cupcakes!

Thanksgiving 2011

The turkey in the brine.

Sophie and Dave enjoying some pre dinner coloring

Turkey's ready!


Dave and Sophie

Max, me, and sophie

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

I'm a little late in posting about the our Pumpkin Patch visit this year.  We had a great time.  They had horses, which put Sophie on cloud nine, because she is horse crazy.  They had a corn maze that we did not partake in because my sense of direction is abysmal at best.  We bought two overpriced pumpkins and the kids climbed a tower of hay bales.  It was a great day.
Dave, Max (19 months) and Sophie (3 yrs) on a wagon ride.  Pulled by two horses named Poncho and Lefty.  Dave was very amused by that.

I'm not sure why he always looks so angry, but he was really enjoying himself.

I think they would have been happy if I let them take all the pumpkins home.

This is not the pumpkin she ended up bringing home.  She must have chosen about 7 pumpkins before she chose one because she thought the green was pretty.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was supposed to be completely orange.

Hay Bale Champion

Hay Bale Runner Up

Monday, November 7, 2011

Little Stinkers

Max, October 2011

Sophie, October 2011

Most of you know that I have siblings.  I have two brothers and a sister and they are great people... now.  However I remember when I was growing up that I couldn't stand them.  I kept thinking how great it would be to be an only child.  I wouldn't have to share my toys or my parents attention.  I was not and am not a fan of sharing.  I remember fighting like cats and dogs and driving my poor parents crazy.  My poor mother was constantly trying to keep the peace and she had a fairly hands off approach to dealing with our constant bickering.  I think she only stepped in if there was imminent bloodshed.   Although considering the little hoodlums that we were that was probably fairly often.

Well it's only taken 20 years or so but she has her revenge, because my little angels (I'm using that sarcastically) are at each others throats about 15 times a day.  Sophie has inherited my desire to share none of her possessions with Max and Max has decided that he's big enough to take whatever he wants from Sophie.  It's somewhat funny to watch because they are both holding a toy and screaming in frustration and I think, "Oh, man you guys are cracking me up", but I can't say that or laugh out loud.  Another issue is that Max has decided that no one is allowed to touch me and he gets MAD when I'm holding Sophie or Dave is hugging me. 

Then I turn around and Sophie is reading to Max or she's stroking his head and pretending he's her baby.  I try to remind myself that they are really sweet kids and I hope that in 30 years their kids are giving them the same problems that they are giving me.  We should all be so lucky to have spirited, fierce children who know exactly what they want.